Girl dancing in front of golden gate bridge

Hello! My name is Polina and I recently nuked my entire life.

By the age of 22, I put myself through college, graduated with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science, paid off my loans, got the house, the job, the marriage, the car, all while coping with highs and lows of anxiety, depression, and chronic physical pain. I participated in the tech industry for 5 years before it came crashing down on me that a string of 9-5 corporate jobs did not give as much as it was taking from me.

Being in pain constantly led me through a maze of dismissive doctors and an expensive, complicated healthcare system that didn’t take care of me. I took matters into my own hands and started a self-healing journey that has been infinitely rewarding. It taught me to not only listen to my body, but to hear what my intuition is guiding me to do. My pain lessened very quickly and disappeared once I learned how to properly take care of myself. I am now free of pain.

Going on this spiritual journey of rediscovering my intuition put a spotlight onto other areas of my life that needed to change. So in the past year, I left the tech industry, sold my car, got a divorce, and moved from the west coast to the east coast. This entire process was a massive effort of destruction and creation. It taught me to welcome and appreciate the light and the darkness in my life as necessary parts of myself, as well as fall in love with my life.

My dream is to help everyone learn to listen to their intuition. We will heal the world once we heal ourselves. Our bodies are infinitely wise and have the code necessary to heal, thrive, and guide us down the path of joy and abundance.

On my art background

I have loved arts and crafts my entire life. It started with my grandmother Nina including me on her sewing projects when I was 3 years old. More presently, I am passionate about processing and expressing my energy, feelings, and creativity through dance, drawing, henna, making jewelry, and sewing. I also like to play with rocks, polymer clay, paint, embroidery, and soldering.



portrait of a girl staring up into the distance

In my eyes, life is so beautiful and delicious in its chaos, creation, destruction, euphoria, heartbreak, mystery, and moments of clarity. If you feel like a project you are working on will benefit from a little bit of my flavor of magic, don’t hesitate to reach out and tell me about it.

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